
The Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP) has its origin in 1947, when the "Juan de la Cierva" Scientific and Technical Research Patronage of the CSIC created the Section of Plastics at the “Alonso Barba” Institute of Organic Chemistry. This Section was organized as Department in 1952 and finally as an Institute in 1967, receiving its actual denomination in 1987.

Research in polymers in Spain started in the ICTP, since it was a pioneer in dedicating human resources and efforts to research in a discipline that was beginning to revolutionize the knowledge in materials field at the 20th century. For many years, this institute was the only spanish center dedicated to research in polymer area, and it also assumed another important mission, which was to provide a link between scientific research and society. Therefore, ICTP created the Revista de Plasticos Modernos (since 1950) with the aim of potentiate the industries from the sector, this journal is maintained nowadays. Furthermore, in 1959 ICTP started teaching the Higher Specialization Course on Plastics and Rubber, in order to train highly qualified technicians. Both initiatives were carried out to promote knowledge transmission and the development of a modern and advanced industry.


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