Master imparted at ICTP

Master of Advanced Specialization in Plastics and Rubber

The Polymer Science and Technology College imparts since 2007 the master of Advanced Specialization in Plastics and Rubber, which is the continuation of the traditional Course of the same name that started in 1957 in at ICTP.

The Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) and the Spanish Nacional Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC) impart this Master organized and accredited by both Institutions.

Together with our Institute of Science and Technology of Polymers, ICTP, the following companies and professional organizations, cooperate in the organization and development of the Master: PlasticsEurope (Association of Polymer Materials Producers), DOW Chemical Ibérica SL, REPSOL, ANAIP (National Association of Plastics Industries) and COFACO (National Consortium of Rubber Industries). In this Third Edition, ten fellowships were financed by the CSIC and six by the companies mentioned before.

This Master (PhD Course) has a duration 60 credits ECTS and has has more than 100 hours of practical teaching carried out in the Institute of Science and Technology of Polymers and, also, in external Institutions such us, Repsol, Rey Juan Carlos University (both located in Móstoles, Madrid) and the Laboratory of Plastic Injection (TIIP, Zaragoza University), The practical program is constituted by seminars, experimental practices and virtual practicing using simulation programs. Also the students, carried out their Research Projects (9 ECTC credits) supervised by researchers from the Master staff.

The majority of the specialists that teach in the course are research staff of the Institute of Science and Technology of Polymers, with wide experience and qualifications in the different aspects of science and technology of polymers. Some study units include external specialists from Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, País Vasco University, Technological Centres (TIIP – located in University of Zaragoza) and Industries (Repsol). The teaching programme has been completed with lectures and seminars provided by industry specialists and university staff.

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